Behind the Book | Abra Berens On The Joys of Spring Fruit

ROSE & IVY Behind the Book | Abra Berens On The Joys of Spring Fruit
ROSE & IVY Behind the Book | Abra Berens On The Joys of Spring Fruit

Photography Courtesy of Chronicle Books 

Biting into your first strawberry of the season is pure bliss, as is the parade of fruit that follows suit. In her follow-up book to Grist and Ruffage, chef and writer Abra Berens shares the best way to cherish and transform sweet seasonal produce in Pulp: A Practical Guide to Cooking with Fruit."My inspiration for this book was to highlight the many many ways fruit can be used in both sweet and savory cooking and baking. Being from Michigan, the second most agriculturally diverse state, my cooking has always incorporated fresh, local fruits. I want readers to recognize that fruit is good for so much more than just being eaten out of your hand (although there's nothing wrong with that!). Fruit adds acidity, sweetness, color, texture, and so much else." Here she shares the joys of spring fruit and her favorite way to prepare rhubarb, strawberries, and raspberries.

ROSE & IVY Behind the Book | Abra Berens On The Joys of Spring Fruit


Rhubarb is the clearest sign that spring is upon us. I love it because it takes well to cooking when the days are still chillier than the new found sunshine lets on. I love rhubarb poached and then served with pork chops, spaetzle, and spinach--another harbinger of the start of growing season. 


When it is brighter in the morning, I'm more likely to make a proper breakfast. Strawberries are one of my favorite morning fruits. They are great with yogurt and granola, but I'm always reminded how good (and easy) at dutch baby is. The one in pulp is topped with balsamic roasted strawberries and I just love it! 

ROSE & IVY Behind the Book | Abra Berens On The Joys of Spring Fruit


It will be a bit until we are overloaded with raspberries and blackberries, but thankfully the frozen ones are a nice stand in for height of summer produce. When the days are longer, it gives more time for "porch time" when our neighbors come over and we share a glass of sherry and some snacks. I have been making baked ricotta topped with black pepper raspberries lately and plan on making it all summer long!

ROSE & IVY Behind the Book | Abra Berens On The Joys of Spring Fruit
ROSE & IVY Behind the Book | Abra Berens On The Joys of Spring Fruit