ROSE & IVY does not accept link exchanges or placement.
Q: Can I incorporate the images from this site on my site?
A: Absolutely! Please make sure to provide a direct link back to the content used.
Q: I have a product that I would like for your to review, can I send it to you?
A: We love all types of beautiful products here at Rose & Ivy. Please feel free to send it to us for consideration, but please note, not all items that we receive will be featured, since we only incorporate items that we truly love.
Q: I would like to place an advertisement in the next issue, is this something that you would accept?
A: Definitely, please visit the contact section.
Q: Are you seeking contributors?
A: Yes! We are looking for stylists, photographers and writers from around the globe that would like to contribute their talents to upcoming issues. Please visit the contact section for information.