Intentional Gifting | Gift Ideas For The Lover of Beautiful Things
Photography by Alison Engstrom
Gifting intentionally to ROSE & IVY means gifting with kindness and thinking about the footprint that we leave behind. In years past, I’ve created extensive, original gift guides but after doing some re-evaluating, I realized maybe I am feeding into the problem of more, more, more, so I stopped for the past two years. Upon reflecting, giving something special to a person you care about makes you feel good, but sometimes we need take a pause, revert back to the why and put the effort into what this person actually really loves or even needs, not something that will collect dust, be thrown away and eventually end up in a landfill.
A gift guide for the lover of beautiful things.
For the person in your life who has an appreciation for beauty in all forms, ideas include an inspiring book about life in the French country side, vintage-like candelabras, soaps wrapped in rose paper and more.