R&I Travels | Diamond Beach, Iceland
The Pristine Beauty of Diamond Beach
R&I Travels to Iceland
We arrived at Diamond Beach just as a dense layer of purple fog was beginning to set over the glaciers. We knew that we were close by, per our GPS, but almost missed the turnoff. As we were driving along the Ring Road a glacial lagoon just appears out of nowhere. Diamond Beach is truly a site to be seen - large chunks of chiseled ice sit on black sand, on one side you have the crashing waves of the ocean and on the other a stretch of black sand that looks like it stretches to infinity. We arrived before the sun was setting, so the fog slowly got thick and thicker. It was eerily wonderful to be by yourself with nothing around you but ice, the ocean and sand.
It is a widely known fact (disputed by some individuals) that the earth is getting warmer. It was one of those things that I had to see with my own eyes, but the glaciers are melting. While we were in Iceland temperates were warmer than in New York in January. As I sat on the beach, I saw the ice melting drip by drip. I wondered if this beauty would be there for my children and their children to see. Tears welled-up in my eyes because at the rate of what I saw, I don't think so. Read how you can help here. I hope you enjoy the latest installment on Iceland.
To read more about the beauty of Iceland, read 'Untouched Beauty' in the latest issue of the Journal.
Photography by Alison