The REcipe Box | Simple & Delicious Homemade Tomato Sauce

ROSE & IVY Journal Simple Tomato Sauce

We are in full tomato swing right now and I have been scooping up more than I know what to do with! I recently came home from the market with four pounds of San Marzano tomatoes, in my opinion, the only tomato to use for tomato sauce.  They are slightly sweeter than say beefsteak and are traditionally used in Italy.  But have no fear, if you cannot find them, plum tomatoes also work.  This recipe is incredibly easy and is tasty with baked eggs, pasta or stewed meat.  

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ROSE & IVY Journal Simple Tomato Sauce


4 pounds San Marzano or Plum Tomatoes, diced

3 cloves garlic, minced

10 to 12 fresh basil leaves

salt & pepper to taste

Combine tomatoes, garlic and basil in a large pot.  Season with salt and pepper.  Cook over medium heat until tomatoes become soft.  Let cool slightly.  Pour into a food processor and pulse just once, or if you prefer smoother sauce pulse until smooth. Store in an air-tight jar and refrigerate until ready to use. 

ROSE & IVY Journal Simple Tomato Sauce

Photography & Styling by Alison