Does the Body Good | Fennel Tea

ROSE & IVY Journal Fennel Tea

I am always on the hunt for herbal remedies for everyday ailments and for preventative care. My holistic doctor recommends fennel tea and I recently decided to make some homemade.  Fennel tea is loaded with healthy benefits, from improving digestion, eliminates toxins from the body, boosts your immune system and can even reduce muscular pain.  While some might not like the taste of licorice, this tea is not has strong.  I feel just healthy sipping this brew, plus, it is easy to make!

ROSE & IVY Journal Does the Body Good Fennel Tea


Fennel fronds, from one pice of fennel

Directions: Place fronds into a large pot.  Cover with water.  Cook over medium heat for 25 to 30 minutes.  Let cool before draining.  Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.  

ROSE & IVY Journal Does the Body Good Fennel Tea
ROSE & IVY Journal Does the Body Good Fennel Tea

Styling & Photography by Alison

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