Meet Kaci Walfall Star of 'Naomi' on the CW

Kaci was virtually photographed in Atlanta by Alison Engstrom

Hi Kaci, thank you so much for taking part in the ROSE & IVY shoot. Congratulations on landing the role as Naomi in the CW series ‘Naomi’. Before we chat about that, I’d love to learn more about your background. Since you are from New York, did growing up in the city inspire you to pursue a career in the arts?

Hi, Thank you! I’m a proud New Yorker. My dad is from Jamaica and my mom’s family is from Trinidad. I’ve always loved the arts from a young age, but no one in my family pursued the arts as a career nor was I surrounded by actors. I tried all sorts of sports when I was younger but they didn’t stick. My mom signed me up for an acting class and the rest is history.

You also were on Broadway! Did you ever envision a career just on the stage or was your dream to appear in TV?

It was actually the other way around. I have always been kind of comfortable in front of the camera so I aspired to do film and tv. I act, sing, and dance but at the time I didn’t combine the three. The Lion King on Broadway was my first onstage show at 9 years old. I love the adrenaline of being on stage, you are always present, you have to be. I love being in front of the camera and on the stage equally, for different reasons.

It must be so rewarding and thrilling to bring the work and vision of Ava DuVernay to life for the series. Can you talk more about your role and your process of getting into the character, who is relatively new in the DC Comic world.

It’s definitely rewarding and thrilling to bring Ms. Ava’s vision to life. I got an audition for the role and sent in the self-tape. Two weeks later I had a zoom session with Ms. Ava, then some chemistry reads, and finally lunch with her in Los Angeles. After booking the role, I went to the comic book store and got a physical copy of the comic and started writing in my notebook where I do my scene work. My process always depends on each specific scene. I love music so I create a playlist for almost every episode and Naomi's relationship to each character.

One of the themes that comes up in the show is something that I think is felt and asked through all stages of life, this idea of, who am I and feelings like you are enough. Do you have any messages or themes that you would like viewers to take away from the series?

I definitely agree Who am I and You Are Enough are two big themes of the show. I also think another reminder in the show is that there is strength within vulnerability. Naomi is uncomfortable being vulnerable in the beginning of the series she sort of puts up this confident facade. Throughout the show you see her in some of her most vulnerable moments. Being vulnerable in front of a camera as an actor is hard but there's so much strength in that feeling.

I also have to ask, if you could have any super power what would it be?

If I could have any superpower it would be flight. My spirit animal is an owl after all.

Since you are still in school, is it at all tricky to balance that part of your life with the excitement of the series and your blossoming career?

It can be, it’s all about balance and time management. My mom is a principal so she nor I would allow my grades to sink. I will say I have a good work ethic, I care about both so I do my best at both.

When it comes to your career, have you received any advice so far that you resonated with you?

I’m lucky to be surrounded by wonderful and grounded friends, people, and teachers in this industry so when I get advice from them I listen. Be yourself and everything happens for a reason are two big ones. Those two pieces of advice work for anything in life too.

When it comes to your work, what gets you the most excited?

Scenes where I’m challenged. I get a lot of anxiety when I read scripts sometimes because I think “It’s so beautiful on the page I don’t want to mess it up” but I also love that feeling. I just love being on set, everyone is working towards the common goal of making the best show they can.

I always love closing interviews by asking about something you would love to manifest or come to fruition in your life. What are you currently dreaming up that you would like to put out into the universe?

I meditate, manifest, and pray a lot. I’m always grateful but I would say one thing is a movie. I haven’t done one yet.

FOllow kaci walfall on instagram

Stream ‘naomi’ Tuesdays at 9PM ET/PT on CW Network