
ROSE & IVY Reflection & Change

The last few months have been filled with a lot of reflection. The past week or so has been even more so. I've been taking long breaks from social media, in general, in order to spend time thinking about the state of the world and how I can do my part. As a deeply empathetic and sensitive person, I am consumed and filled with so much pain for the injustices, inequalities, heartache, wrong-doings, lives lost (mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friend, grandparents and neighbors), pain, hate and all that goes along with it. I feel lost, confused, angry, and sadness. Sometimes I don't know what to say because I just want to cry. Spreading love and kindness is a first step, but systematic change and reform is needed and it's needed NOW. Below are links to petitions you can sign, ways to educate yourself and how to contribute, either time or with a contribution.

Also, one way to make a lasting change is to VOTE. The past few years, I, like so many have been disgusted by the leader of this country and his cohorts on creating a divisive, hate-fueled country that benefits only the few and not the many in addition to other egregious acts. While ROSE & IVY isn’t a charged website, rather a place on the internet to provide uplifting and beautiful stories to inspire everyone to live a better life, you must know that I deeply care about creating a world that lifts people up and is filled with hope, kindness, and possibility for all, no matter what.

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund

Black Lives Matter 

The Bail Project

Color of Change Education Fund 

More Than Meets the Eye (UN Org)

Black Visions Collective

The Equal Justice Initiative