A Note From ROSE & IVY

ROSE & IVY A Note from ROSE & IVY

“When the ego weeps for what is has lost, the spirit rejoices for what it has found.”

Eckhart Tolle

Over the past few days I, like so many, have found myself at a loss of words. I don’t know what to say or how to say it, but the other day, I heard this quote from Eckhart Tolle and it gave me comfort. Like everyone else, I’ve been trying to grapple with a moment that doesn’t seem quite real. I’ve felt scared, vulnerable and anxious, but I’ve also witnessed and experienced moments of grace and kindness. I’ve been thinking, what can this moment teach us? How can we come together and be connected in a more authentic way? How can we slow down and practice being present? While the future remains uncertain for everyone, there is certainty in knowing, even though it may sound cliché, that we will all have to navigate this next chapter together. 

(This was also shared on our social media channels)