Read the Editor's Letter Journal No.12
Welcome to the Issue
About a year ago, I stumbled upon a statistic that found most Americans spend 90% of their time indoors. This made me feel very perplexed but also slightly unsettled. Are we really spending that much time indoors working, binging a new series or glued to our devices? It’s without a doubt that our earth is in a fragile state—climate change, rampant wildfires, plastic in the oceans, excessive waste—but how are we to really appreci- ate nature and want to preserve it if we aren’t actually out enjoying it? That question framed this new issue, which I am excited to introduce to you here. I want to inspire you to get out into nature, to take a walk in the woods, breathe in clean air, go on a hike, walk through a meadow, smell a beautiful flower or stare at the clouds. Personally, being out- side and getting into nature is something that I need more and more, especially as I have gotten older and have years of city living under my belt.
So for this edition, we got out as much as possible, to explore the natural beauty that abounds on Mother Earth. In these pages you’ll uncover the beauty of Aspen; this Colorado ski destination is also a delightful spot in the summer and fall when wildflowers carpet fields or Aspen trees turn goldenon the mountain top. Read our guide on how to experience the best of the outdoors in Into the Woods. We also ventured to the Low Country to Bluffton, South Carolina for a stay at the Montage Palmetto Bluff, located on a nature conservan- cy. There, alligators lounge on docks, graceful egrets stand tall in the still lagoon and chances of spotting a bald eagle keep you on alert. While I was at the property, I was literally ensconced in a migration of hundreds upon hundreds of swallow-tail kites, who swooshed into the area to feed before making their way to South American. It was an incrediblemoment, awe-inspiring really, and something that you can only experience in the stillness of the great outdoors.
Taking in the beauty of Aspen
Today, talking about nature goes hand-in-hand with sustain- ability. When it comes to this topic, Gothenburg, Sweden is doing its part on how to reduce waste and become a city that has the environment embedded into the forefront. We spent a few days exploring this Scandinavian town in West- ern Sweden and fell in love. We created a city guide, where we explore Haga, a charming district filled with cobble- stone streets and cafés. Speaking of travel, I also ventured to Austria, a place long on my bucket list, to visit Salzburg and Vienna. I spent five glorious days exploring palaces, magnif- icent gardens and taking in the culture.
Now to our cover star, Ashley Tisdale. I talked to the multi-hyphenate singer, actress and producer about her be- ginnings, facing perfectionism head-on and her newest proj- ects, of which there are many. I also connected with Jordan Weiss, the creator, writer and producer of Dollface, who has accomplished so much at the age of 26. She shares how her new Hulu series came to be and what’s next.
And with that, we are ending a decade. I’m ending this one on a note that I could have only dreamed. I’ve changed, grown, evolved, reflected and I feel like I’m finally coming into my own. I wish you all a rewarding and joyous new decade.
Alison Engstrom
Founding Editor