Garden Dreamer | Eden Revisited
Red poppies proliferate in the Garden of the Portuguese.
© Eden Revisited: A Garden in Northern Moroccoby Umberto Pasti and Ngoc Minh Ngo, Rizzoli New York, 2019
Every once in a while, a book comes along where you want to get linger for a while on each and every page. At ROSE & IVY, we find gardens to be magical, otherworldly and incredibly moving. In the newest book, by acclaimed photographer Ngoc Minh Ngo, she teams up with writer and horticulturalist Umberto Pasti to create a visually captivating book of his hillside garden in Morocco in Eden Revisited: A Garden in Northern Morocco. Rohuna, Pasti’s renowned oasis, is now home to a flourishing array of displaced plants that have been given a new opportunity to grow under his watchful eye and expertise. He first stumbled upon his now home twenty years ago after living nearby in Tangier. Today the grounds include 22 distinct areas proliferating with a variety of native fauna that can withstand the sweltering heat of the region. The book also includes sketches of the different gardens to inspire gardeners, near and far, how they can recreate their own slice of Eden.
© Eden Revisited: A Garden in Northern Moroccoby Umberto Pasti and Ngoc Minh Ngo, Rizzoli New York, 2019
The area of Hamidou’s Garden that reimagines a forest in Tangier from 30 years ago.
A fig tree overlooking the sea. Ngoc describes this tree, which is hers, to be a self-portrait.
© Eden Revisited: A Garden in Northern Moroccoby Umberto Pasti and Ngoc Minh Ngo, Rizzoli New York, 2019
Gladioli impart a pink hue to the hillside
© Eden Revisited: A Garden in Northern Moroccoby Umberto Pasti and Ngoc Minh Ngo, Rizzoli New York, 2019
Photography by Ngoc Minh Ng for © Eden Revisited: A Garden in Northern Moroccoby Umberto Pasti and Ngoc Minh Ngo, Rizzoli New York, 2019