A New Way to Moisturize Your Body

ROSE & IVY Journal A New Way to Moisturize Yes to Coconut.jpg

Everyone has certain hang-ups, one of my personal ones is the feeling of lotion or oils on my hands, particularly in the palms of my hands. It is strange, I know, but I am one of those people that after applying lotion, I wipe the insides of my palm!  So when I came across this product from Say Yes to Coconut's Ultra-Moisturizing Coconut Oil Stick, I was immediately hooked. The retractable stick allows for easy application - I like to glide it on when my skin is still slightly damp to ensure the softest result, because it is incredibly moisturzing and melts into the skin.  Plus, it is formulated with 98% natural ingredients and is laced with a coconut scent that smells like the beach.  

Photography by Alison Engstrom