Six Mirrors That Add Instant Elegance to Any Room
Do you have a nightly ritual? This might seem like a strange segue into a feature talking about mirrors, so let me get right to it! Most nights before I got to sleep I browse all of the chateau listings in France. The history, prices and architecture make you do many double takes. One of the most fascinating parts is that many of the options on the market come furnished with period furniture (!!!)(yes, many of the typos of items that I discovered while antiquing in southern France this past summer - you can read 'The Thrill of the Hunt' here) including grand gilded mirrors. When it comes to awakening any room in your house, I do it through mirrors, especially if you rent and wallpaper and coating the walls in your favorite coat of paint aren't an option. Here are six mirrors that are currently on our radar, plus, they are all under $300.
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