On Love & Hope
Do you ever find yourself reflecting on the current political situation and either cringe, feel a rush of sadness, disgust or even rage? While obviously ROSE & IVY is very far from a political forum or culture website, what is happening on the U.S. transcends both of those categories. This is a humanity issue. Today in remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr., it was hard to pick one of his many powerful and inspiring quotes to use, since they all resonate to the current times, especially when the things he preached about was hope and love and about standing up for what is right in a world that has seem to gone mad.
We are all humans. We don't choose where we are born, who our parents are or often the cards that are dealt to us. I do know that there are two critical elements that can transcend all of our circumstances - hope and love. If we give we to each other hope and an abundance of love that is all that matters.
Photography by ROSE & IVY