Where to Eat the Best Churros in Madrid | Chocolatería San Ginés

ROSE & IVY Journal Where to Eat the Best Churros in Madrid | Chocolatería San Ginés

Chocolatería San Ginés is the place to enjoy churros in Madrid.  Opened since 1894, this tiny gem tucked away in a tree-lined square serves them piping hot from just plucked from the fryer with a dusting of powdered sugar for good measure.  If you are feeling extra decadent, order a cup of their dark drinking chocolate to dunk them in.  It takes something that is already amazingly delicious to another level.  Plus, this place is open 24-hours, just in case you know you are in need of a midnight snack. 

Visit: Chocolatería San Ginés Pasadizo de San Gines, 5, 28013 Madrid, Spain

Where to Eat the Best Churros in Madrid | Chocolatería San Ginés

Photography by Alison