Escape to Reykjavik and Stay at the Oddsson Ho(s)tel

ROSE &IVY Journal Where to Stay in Reykjavik Oddsson Ho(s)tel

We arrived in Reykjavik just shy of five o'clock in the morning from New York.  It was pitch black outside as we found our way through the dark streets to the Oddsson Ho(s)tel.  Since we were traveling at the end of January, the nights were very long and the days were very short. The sun rose around 10:30am, it was a very interesting feeling!  

This plush new hotel, located just on the outskirts of the town center boasts an interesting concept - one that is both built around design with a 'cool' factor and another that is centered around affordability.  It is part hotel and hostel, but not the type that you are probably thinking.  The cool blue hallways accented with peach make you feel like you are almost in a resort.  There are many places to lounge in the common area, which also includes a juice bar serving up concoctions like Golden Milk to Bazaar, an Italian restaurant that makes it easy to eat dinner, espeically if it is too cold or dark outside to walk.  

For more on this magical island of Iceland, be sure to read the latest issue of ROSE & IVY with the feature story 'Untouched Beauty' or '48 Hours in Reykjavik'.

Visit: Oddsson Ho(s)tel Hringbraut 121, 101 Reykjavík

ROSE &IVY Journal Where to Stay in Reykjavik Oddsson Ho(s)tel
ROSE &IVY Journal Where to Stay in Reykjavik Oddsson Ho(s)tel
ROSE &IVY Journal Where to Stay in Reykjavik Oddsson Ho(s)tel
ROSE &IVY Journal Where to Stay in Reykjavik Oddsson Ho(s)tel
ROSE &IVY Journal Where to Stay in Reykjavik Oddsson Ho(s)tel
ROSE &IVY Journal Where to Stay in Reykjavik Oddsson Ho(s)tel
ROSE &IVY Journal Where to Stay in Reykjavik Oddsson Ho(s)tel

Photography by Alison | A special thanks to the Oddsson Ho(s)tel