Garden Dreamer | The Royal Alcázar & Gardens Seville, Spain
Get yourself ready for a major dose of beauty. I must confess I could have posted over 100 photographs of the gardens of the Alcázar in Seville, Spain. Looking back on these photos on a rainy day, when there is still a chill in the air makes my heart yearn to disappear into these photographs. The Alcázar gardens completely blew my mind. The impeccably manicured grounds are just dripping in beauty. The pathways edged with angular boxwoods, fountains in nearly every intersecting walkways and the tiles are enough to leave you speechless. Enclosed within four walls in the center of Seville, it is best to give yourself a few hours to explore, especially for those that love gardens.
For more in this series click here! For a travel guide to Seville, click here!
Fragrant wisteria trees at their best - they smelled like heaven
Wisteria tree petals floating in the water
Pomegrante blossoms sparkle in the sun
Photography by Alison