Inspired | Beautifully Abandoned

Beautifuully abandoned. What is it about crumbled ruins that are so beautiful? For as long as I can remember the more weathered, the happier it makes me, which is perhaps why I love Europe so much.  Recently, I have been 'pinning' images in Pinterest around the theme of abandoned spaces (you can follow along on the Rustic board).  There is so much beauty in imperfection, don't you think? 

ROSE & IVY Journal Beautifully Abandoned Places
ROSE & IVY Journal Beautifully Abandoned places
ROSE & IVY JOurnal Beautifully Abandoned Places
ROSE & IVY Journal Beautifully Abandoned places
ROSE  & IVY Journal Beautifully Abandoned

Beautifully abaondoned.  


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Alison Engstrom3 Comments