A Summer Rose

ROSE & IVY Journal A Summer Rose

I hope that everyone had a great 4th of July holiday, it is amazing how a three-day weekend can do wonders for the soul.  I have been waiting for months for my 'Gentle Hermione' English garden rose bush to bloom and finally last week it did.  This rose has an amazing floral and lemon aroma that I can smell through the window, it is a pure delight.  Here are some photographs that capture this flowers beauty. 

Also, I am excited to announce that the winners of the three Rouge Bunny Rouge vouchers are Carrie Conrad, Lori Duke Reilly and Kaley Freshman Caffrey! I will be emailing you shortly. Thank you for all that participated.  

ROSE & IVY Journal  A Summer Rose
ROSE & IVY Journal A Summer Rose
ROSE & IVY Journal A Summer Rose
ROSE & IVY JOurnal A Summer Rose

Photographs by Alison