One Night in Rome

rose & ivy journal a night in rome

Ah and just like that two weeks went by - being away was great for the mind and soul. My travels to Sicily are for an upcoming issue of ROSE & IVY, which I cannot wait to share with you in a short while.  In the meantime, while I catch up on a few things around here, I thought I would share some photographs from one of my favorite cities, Rome.  We landed there around 8pm Sunday night and didn't arrive until almost 10pm in the city center, just enough time to grab a delicious pizza and snap some photographs with my phone.  I will be back to regular programming the rest of the week so stay tuned!

rose & ivy journal a night in rome
rose & ivy journal a night in rome
rose & ivy journal one night in rome
rose & ivy journal a night in rome
rose & ivy journal a night in rome

Photographs taken with iPhone by Alison