Bits of Beauty | No. 02

rose & ivy journal

Happy Friday! Ahh, it is so beautiful here in New York right now (I am trying to soak in every minute) and the weekend is supposed to be even better.  I will be cooking brunch on Sunday and putting the finishing touches on the third issue of ROSE & IVY Journal launching May 18th!  I cannot wait to share it with you.  Until then, here are some beautiful links that have me inspired.  Have a great weekend!

I loved reading this interview with the one and only Anna Wintour

For those New Yorkers out there, are you 'new' New York or 'old'? Not very surprising that I am old, since I am definitely an old soul

I adore butterscotch, I would love to give this recipe a whirl

Here are 25 secret European villages that I am bookmarking for our next trip

I adore flowers, so I loved learning more about

Image via Martha Stewart