Inspiring Interiors | Syros, Greece

rose & ivy journal syros, greece

In approximately twenty glorious days we will be leaving for Sicily, and it is such a good thing because I have a major case of wanderlust that has been pulsating through my veins for a few months.  It is always such a hard decision, where do we go next, since there are so many beautiful places on this earth - my list goes on and on.  We decided on Sicily for the beaches, food and our love for all things Italian.  I cannot wait to discover the island!  Besides Italy, France, Croatia, Maldives, Seychelles, Austria (the list could go on and on) I dream about going back to Greece.  This home on the island of Syros is just dripping with beauty in an understated way.  I love the wood details throughout and the bathroom is but a dream.  

rose & ivy journal syros, greece
rose & ivy journal syros, greece
rose & ivy journal syros, greece
rose & ivy journal syros, greece

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