Healthy Living | 8 Nutritious Ingredients to Have in Your Pantry
Despite my personal love for baking, I really balance that by eating healthy almost all of the time. However, when there is a time crunch, I rely on a list of nutritional ingredients that I always try to have in my pantry, from turmeric root, bee pollen and chia seeds that I add to smoothies, oatmeal or even when I am baking. Read on to find out more. What do you always have on hand that is healthy?
Turmeric Root - I have already sung the praises of turmeric root here, but this is a staple in my diet to prevent inflammation in my body. I love adding it to smoothies.
Ginger Root - After turmeric, I go for ginger root, because I just love its zingy flavor. This root holds the powers to fighting inflammation in the body as well as easing stomach indigestion. I add it in smoothies or make ginger 'tea' by adding slices in a small pot and let it boil with water. Add lemon and presto, a delicious drink! Or if you prefer something refreshing, try this recipe for Ginger & Honey Switchel.
Bee Pollen - My newest discovery that I found while reading My New Roots cookbook. Comprised of 40% protein, bee pollen is laced with a wealth of nutritional properties from increasing endurance in athletes, help with fertility issues and curb seasonal allergies. I have been sprinkling it on my oatmeal and adding into juices and smoothies.
Chia Seeds - Packed with 11 grams of fiber, chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants, protein and omega 3s - even more than salmon. They are great sprinkled on yogurt, smoothies and incorporated into oatmeal.
Flaxseed - High in Omega-3's, particularly Alpha-Lipoic Acid, I love adding them to oatmeal, smoothies and even into muffins and quick breads. The string of omega 3's in flaxseeds help fight inflammation in your body, lower oxidative stress in your cells and can aid in digestion by helping nutrient absorption.
Apple Cider Vinegar (from the Mother) - I have already sung the praises to Apple Cider Vinegar, click here to find out just some of the reasons drinking it is good for you.
Lemon - During cold and flu season, one can never consume enough Vitamin C, which is why lemons are always stock in the refrigerator. High in nutrients like Vitamin C & E, folate and iron, adding lemon into tea or warm water can help flush out impurities that are in your system and even help regulate blood pressure.
Cinnamon - Cinnamon is packed with a bevy of nutrients. Before I discovered this, I thought that it just added an amazing spiced flavor to what I was eating. Cinnnamon has high microbial properties, can help regulate blood sugar, repair inflamed tissue and is loaded with antioxidants and polyphenols. I add extra when baking and on oatmeal..
Styling & Photography by Alison
*I am not a doctor (of course I am not!) this is information that I have discovered through my own research. If you are unsure ask your doctor!