Let's Dream | Design Wishes

I am a dreamer at heart and sometimes I like to dream out loud a bit. Ever since I was little I remember looking at things that weren't so pretty and dreaming up how I would make them well, pretty.  So today, my creative mind is drifting and sharing with you a few things that If I lived in a perfect design world this would exist, while others would cease.  What would your perfect design world look like? 

All New York City apartments would be painted bright white, not the drab white that most are painted.  

All New York City apartments would be painted bright white, not the drab white that most are painted.  

Crown molding would be considered the norm and even gilding, but first things first!

Crown molding would be considered the norm and even gilding, but first things first!

Unmanicured spaces or lawns would be turned into romantic gardens.

Unmanicured spaces or lawns would be turned into romantic gardens.

Parquet floors for all!

Parquet floors for all!

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