Escape | Upstate in the Fall

ROSE & IVY Journal Escape Upstate New York in the Fall

Fall has officially arrived here in New York in the form of golden trees and that certain smell that only the autumn season can bring.  The other weekend, we decided to head out for a hike at Bear Mountain.  The vistas were really remarkable, but when I go on a hike, I want to see more trees than people.  I equate this to my high school days in Vermont when I hiked a lot. Anyways, it was beautiful, here are  a few snaps from the day.  

ROSE & IVY Journal Upstate New York in the Fall
ROSE & IVY Journal Escape Upstate New York in the Fall
ROSE & IVY Journal Escape Upstate New York in the Fall
ROSE & IVY Journal Upstate in the Fall
ROSE & IVY Journal Escape Upstate New York in the Fall

Photographs by Alison

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